4 Tours you must do in the Peruvian Andes

Are you planning to visit the Peruvian Andes and don’t know what tours to do? In this post we show you 4 tours that you must do and that you must carry out for each tour.

We tell you everything without a filter so that you can enjoy a wonderful tour of the Peruvian Andes in complete safety, paying the right price.

Llanganuco Lake

1. llanganuco Lake tour

Two impressive lagoons with crystalline and turquoise waters form the famous lagoons of the Llanganuco gorge or simply the Llanganuco Lagoon. Located in the Huascarán National Park in the department of Áncash, 84 kilometers northwest of Huaraz and 25 kilometers from Yungay, the spectacular lagoons of Chinancocha (female lagoon) and Orconcocha (male lagoon) are positioned in a narrow valley between the snowy Huascarán , Huandoy, Pisco and Yanapaccha.

Chinancocha (Female Lagoon)

The Chinancocha lagoon or female lagoon is the one that receives the greatest influx of tourists as it is located on the slopes of the Huascarán mountain (the highest in Peru). On the other hand, it has a length of 1,450 meters, a width of 393 meters, and a depth of 28 meters, these dimensions are adorned by the picturesque turquoise coloration of its waters and the varied biodiversity of the area.

Orconcocha (male lagoon)

It is not accessible to conventional tourism since it is at a higher latitude, however, it is just as beautiful as Chinancocha. Its celestial waters are 910 meters long, 368 meters wide and approximately 7 meters deep. It is important to note that, being a reserve area, both lagoons are guarded by a group from the ´Huascarán´ battalion (of the Peruvian Army).

When navigating the Chinancocha lagoon (female), tourists witness a great variety of flora and fauna. In its waters, you can see different wild ducks swimming near the boats and sticking to them. Something different happens with the Orconcocha lagoon (male), where navigation is prohibited as it has a large number of wild birds that can be aggressive.

The Llanganuco Lagoon is one of the most famous natural paradises in the Peruvian highlands. Attractive for adventure tourists who want to practice trekking to marvel and admire the turquoise and light blue of its waters, which must be observed during the day so that the sun falls on them, showing beautiful colors and making it even more spectacular. the experience.

Come and enjoy the beautiful llanganuco lake in the Peruvian Andes.

chavin de huantar tour

2. chavin de huantar tour

Chavín de Huántar is an archaeological and cultural site in the Andean highlands of Peru. Once thought to be the birthplace of an ancient “mother culture,” modern understanding is more nuanced. The cultural expressions found in Chavín probably did not originate there, but it can be seen that they come into full force there. Chavín’s visual legacy would persist long after the site’s decline in approximately 200 BC. C., with motifs and stylistic elements that travel to the southern highlands and the coast.

Chavín’s location seems to have helped make it a special place: the temple built there became an important pilgrimage site that attracted people and their offerings from everywhere.

At an elevation of 10,330 feet (3,150 meters), it sits between the eastern (Cordillera Negra, no snow) and western (Cordillera Blanca, snow) of the Andes, about two of the few mountain passes that allow passage between the desert coast to the west and the Amazon jungle to the east. It is also found near the confluence of the Huachesca and Mosna rivers, a natural phenomenon of two merging into one that may have been seen as a spiritually powerful phenomenon.

The god for whom the temple was built was depicted in the Lanzon (left), a wedge-shaped stone with notches over 15 feet in height, carved with the image of a supernatural being, and located deep within the Temple Old, which crosses several galleries.

Lanzón means “great spear” in Spanish, referring to the shape of the stone, but a better comparison would be the shape of the digging stick used in traditional highland agriculture. That shape would seem to indicate that the power of the deity was ensuring a successful planting and harvesting.

Do you want to enjoy a totally safe tour to Chavín de Huantar? I want to see tour information

3. snowy pastoruri tour

The white color of the glaciers, the blue of the lakes and the green of the plants mix through the impressive landscape of the Huascarán National Park, in Peru, declared a natural heritage of humanity and a Biosphere Reserve. In its 340,000 hectares there are more than 650 glaciers, almost three hundred lagoons and forty rivers, in addition to 16 snow-capped peaks above 6,000 meters above sea level and another 17 above 5,000 meters above sea level.

In this magnificent place is one of the country’s best-known glaciers, the Pastoruri, located south of the Cordillera Blanca, which is also the highest altitude tropical mountain chain in the world. The glacier has a surface of approximately 1.99 square kilometers, with a length of 1.3 kilometers and a width of 2.03 kilometers, and extends around the north face of the summit of Nevado Pastoruri.

An area of incalculable beauty that has been cruelly affected by climate change, has lost much of its ice cap and its decline has been considerable in recent years. According to experts, it will disappear completely in just a decade.

Learn more about the climate change, this wonderful tour can be hired here.

4. tour to the parón Lake

The Parón Lake is located in the Huaylas alley in Ancash. It is the largest lagoon in the Cordillera Blanca, in addition to being an important reservoir of fresh water and the most beautiful originating from glaciers. Parón is located about a hundred meters from the city of Huaraz, at a height of 4,185 meters above sea level. This would present an average of 76 meters deep.

The beauty of the Parón lagoon is justified by the imposing turquoise color of its waters, in whose mirror the prominent mountains that surround it are reflected, reaching 6,025 meters above sea level with snow-capped mountains such as the Artesonraju, the west wall of the Chacraraju and the Garcilaso Pyramid.

Parón is an attractive place for trekking, to get to Parón it is necessary to initially hire the taxi service or get on one of the few collective vehicles that take you to the place. The truth is that none will take you exactly to the lagoon, but to the place closest to it: the town of Parón, characterized by a population that will make you feel at home, thanks to the charisma of its inhabitants. From the town you can continue on foot to the lagoon.

The mountains that surround Parón are part of the attraction of the area, not only because of the beauty they add to the landscape, but also because they can do adventure sports such as the aforementioned trekking, along with climbing It is worth mentioning that the Parón lagoon is the gateway to the slopes of these important snow-capped mountains where many tourist companies plan tourist circuits.


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